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Haverford, PA Pest Control

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Reliable Pest Control Solutions In Haverford, PA

Haverford, PA, is a great place to live. It provides a quiet suburban alternative to Philadelphia while still being a less than 20-minute drive to the city. With its beautiful homes and highly rated school districts, it is easy to see why many people choose to call Haverford home. Despite all the great reasons to live in Haverford, you can still have pest problems.
That’s where we at Masters Touch Pest Solutions come in. We’ve been providing residents of Pennsylvania easy and affordable pest control since 1991. Our commitment to serving you includes employing only licensed technicians, and with almost 30 years of experience, we can handle any pest control problem you may have around your Haverford home or property.

Home Pest Control In Haverford, PA

Nothing can ruin your day like coming home to find a pest problem. Whether it’s cockroaches, ants, spiders, rodents, or other pests, we have your home covered with our affordable year-round home pest control plans. Year-round pest control is essential because, depending on the season, your Haverford home will face different types of pest problems:
Our customized approach to pest control can solve any pest problem in any season. We can eradicate a current infestation or provide proactive treatments to defend your home from pests in the future. If you need residential pest control, call us today. We have a solution that fits your needs and budget!

Can Ants In Haverford Be Dangerous?

When you think of ants, the first thing you think of is most likely getting itchy and painful bites after you step in a pile. Ant bites are no joke, but there are a few species of ants that are common to the Haverford area that can be dangerous for other reasons:
While none of these ants are likely to bite you and cause pain that way, their danger to your home and family should still not be overlooked. If you are dealing with an ant problem, call us and let us take care of it.

Three Reasons Termite Control Is Important In Haverford

Is termite control really that important? The short answer is yes, termite control should be a critical part of every home’s pest control plan. Here are three reasons why having professional termite control is essential:
Professional termite control is critical to protect your home and your budget, and the best way to stop a termite infestation is to prevent it from occurring in the first place. Here at Masters Touch Pest Solutions, we know how vital termite prevention and treatment can be. That is why we provide free, no-obligation termite quotes, so you can see risk-free the services we can provide.
When you choose Masters Touch Pest Solutions for your termite needs, we offer a 5-year guarantee on our termite treatment plans. If you suspect you have a termite problem or just want peace of mind knowing your home is protected, call us for your free inspection.

Commercial Pest Control In Haverford, PA

Unfortunately, many business owners don’t think about commercial pest control until they have a problem. At Masters Touch Pest Solutions, we know that no two businesses are alike. Different industries require different pest control solutions. We service many commercial properties, including healthcare facilities, nursing homes, warehouses, offices, retail stores, hotels, restaurants, schools, and apartment buildings.
Whether you are looking for a quick solution to a current pest problem or a long-term pest control plan for your commercial space, we have you covered. All of our commercial pest treatments start with a free, comprehensive inspection to identify active infestations and investigate potential pests’ potential entry points. Then we can customize a plan to fit your business’s needs. Don’t trust your business’s reputation and safety to just anyone. Call us for all your commercial pest control needs.